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The Ups and Downs of Growing Older: Beyond Seventy Years of Living

Fifteen percent or twenty-three million persons in the United States are presently over seventy years of age. Often inevitable and seldom anticipated, these oldest-old persons encounter alterations in health and physical abilities, strengthening or impairment of personality traits, and immense losses of family and social relationships; and are prime candidates for active/passive abuse or neglect.

Confronted with questions as: How shall I/we find the best home for these years? How will feelings change? How can I remain independent? How will living alone affect me? Yet with such immense changes, the oldest-old persons have a vigor for life, they are the most positive in their view of life, they seek resolutions that feel right, and they accept difficulties with an ability to compensate for compelled changes in life.

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Aging Wisely: Facing the Emotional Challenges from 50 to 85+ Years

In those moments when you are alone with your thoughts and memories, does quiet contentment seep through your being? Have you a sense of satisfaction and gratitude in your life? Here are some ideas about what is it like to grow old, then older? These are the stories of senior citizens with the activity, strength, and feelings that dominate their lives.

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The Ups And Downs of Aging beyond Seventy Years

Growing older than old is a normal period of human life. It comes when the waves slow down and then stop with dying.

In her latest publication, The Ups And Downs of Aging beyond Seventy Years, author Viola Mecke shares insights into problems and conflicts besetting the oldest-old, which hopefully will make their pathway more secure and predictable. Understanding the awful normality of changes will enable some acceptance for adjustment to changes and lessen the confusion, anxiety, and depression in the person, their family, and their friends.

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Viola B. Mecke, Ph.D., ABPP has been a professional psychologist for over 50 years. She graduated from Akron University in Akron, Ohio, and received her doctorate from Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio. She continued her training at the University of Nebraska Medical School in the Department of Psychiatry and the Tavistock Institute of Interpersonal Relationships in London, England. She is an Emerita Professor (Adjunct) in Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Emerita Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology, East California State University, and has maintained a private practice as a Clinical Psychologist. She now resides in Gainesville, Fla.

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